

PLC filter Polier Panda

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Price incl. VAT (19%) 17,40€
Product Details
EAN: 3760282005823
Brand: Polier

The Polier Panda PLC filter has been replaced by the Polier Panda 15X2 PLC filter

Description :

The PLC filter Polier PANDA is a PLC (Power Line Carrier) filter that plugs directly into a conventional power outlet. It filters the electrical signal near the socket where it is plugged in to eliminate dirty electricity ("dirty power"). It is recommended to plug the PANDA PLC filter into a power outlet located as close as possible to the source of pollution. Multiple filters can be installed to treat multiple sources of pollution. A filter can for example be installed on each electrical circuit of socket outlets. The Panda PLC filter filters the main sources of dirty electricity: photovoltaic solar panels, compact fluorescent energy-saving bulbs, chargers, washing machines, electric heaters, communicating electricity meters,... The beach of filtered frequencies is in the kilohertz (kHz) band and depends on the characteristics of the networks on which they are placed and the number of filters installed. For optimum efficiency, you must install at least 2 Panda PLC filters for a small apartment and up to 5 Panda PLC filters for a house or more for a large house.

Technical characteristics :

  • Operating voltage : 220 - 230 V
  • Maximum current : 16 A
  • This product is installed on an electrical outlet that meets European standards (Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Spain, etc.).
  • A socket to European standards is present on the filter to allow the use of the socket on which the PLC filter is connected

Equipment provided :

  • A Polier Panda PLC filter
  • A child safety device
  • A user manual in French

Various :

2 years warranty

Condition : new

Made in France

Follow the instructions in the user manual.

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