

Gigahertz Solutions HF59B - Electromagnetic wave measuring device

1 399,00€
Price incl. VAT (19%) 223,37€
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Product Details
EAN: 4039009530054
Brand: Gigahertz Solutions

Description, Gigahertz Solutions HF59B - Electromagnetic wave measuring device :

The professional high-frequency electromagnetic wave measuring device HF59B is manufactured by Gigahertz Solutions, the internationally recognized German specialist in electromagnetic wave measuring devices. This device measures electromagnetic pollution due to high-frequency electric fields from 700 MHz to 3.3 GHz. It is equipped with an acoustic signal making it possible to determine the most polluted areas. It also has functions to more easily apprehend peak values. It comes with a carrying case. This device is used to measure: 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G mobile telephone networks, mobile telephony relay antennas, 2.4GHz Wi-Fi, DECT domestic cordless landlines, etc.
Technical characteristics, Gigahertz Solutions HF59B - Electromagnetic wave measuring device :
  • Measured frequency band: 700 MHz to 3.3 GHz
  • Sensitivity and measurement scales for electric fields:
    • from 10 to 19 990 µW/m2 (= 19.99 mW/m2, =2,746 V/m)
    • from 0.1 to 199.9 µW/m2, resolution 0.1 µW/m2
    • from 0.01 to 19.99 µW/m2, resolution 0.01 µW/m2
  • Quantitative differentiation function between pulsed and non-pulsed radiation (switch)
  • Reading of peak values and average display value (switchable)
  • Peak hold function, maintenance of peak values
  • Very fast response rate in the "Peak Hold" function
  • Acoustic analysis function (detailed listening of characteristic modulations of different high frequency sources) with adjustable volume
  • DC-type output for signal recording during long-term measurements
  • LCD screen
  • Power supply by NiMH accumulator
  • Low battery indicator
  • Automatic standby
Materials provided :
  • An HF59B high frequency electromagnetic wave meter
  • Detailed user manual in English and German
  • An antenna with antenna cable and gold-plated SMA socket
  • An AC adapter to recharge the device (charger)
  • Interior foam padded transport case
  • Certificate of calibration
Option :
The FF10 frequency filter from Gigahertz Solutions is compatible with this measuring device, it allows to filter the overall measurement of exposure to high-frequency electromagnetic waves and to have the details of the measurements frequency band by frequency band.

This wave measuring instrument is very sensitive and can detect very weak electromagnetic radiation anomalies. If you want to make measurements of electromagnetic waves of high intensity, complete the purchase of this measuring device with the attenuator DG20_G10.

Various :
Two years warranty
Condition : new

Made in Germany

This measuring device is delivered with a charger fitted with an electrical outlet to European standards (Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, etc.).

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