

Insulating rod for Gigahertz Solutions measuring devices

Price incl. VAT (19%) 2,54€
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Product Details
Brand: Diagnostic CEM

Description :

This insulating stick is intended for use with the following Gigahertz Solutions low-frequency electromagnetic wave measuring devices: ME3030B, ME3830B, ME3840B, ME3851A and ME3951A in order to perform measurements of the low-frequency electric field without potential (without using the connection cable grounding supplied with each of these devices).
Content :
  • 1 insulating rod, length: 50cm
  • 1 user manual in English
Various :
This insulating pole allows the device to measure low frequency electric fields without disturbance, i.e. without the influence of the body of the person performing the measurements. It will allow you to take measurements without connecting to the earth, which is sometimes defective or non-existent at the place where you want to take a measurement.
For Gigahertz Solutions low-frequency electromagnetic wave measuring devices from the ME3XX0B range (ME3030B, ME3830B and ME3840B), make sure to position the clamp of the insulating rod correctly in relation to the battery compartment: part of the jaw of the clamp must be on the body of the measuring device. The jaw of the hot stick clip should not be completely over the battery compartment.
For Gigahertz Solutions low-frequency electromagnetic wave measurement devices in the ME3X51A range (ME3851A and ME3951A), be sure to position the clamp of the insulating rod correctly in relation to the LCD screen: positioning as far as possible, on the bass of the body of the measuring device.
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