

Gigahertz Solutions ​ME3830B - Electromagnetic wave measuring device

Price incl. VAT (19%) 39,76€
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Product Details
EAN: 4039009130551
Brand: Gigahertz Solutions

Description of the electromagnetic wave measuring device Gigahertz Solutions ME3830B :

The ME3830B low-frequency electromagnetic wave measuring device is manufactured by the German specialist in wave measuring devices: Gigahertz Solutions. Easy to use, thanks to its wide frequency range, it allows rapid measurement of electromagnetic pollution due to low-frequency electric and magnetic fields (electric current, electric transformers, electrified railway tracks, LV, HV electric lines, LED lights, compact fluorescent bulbs, ...). The earth connection cable supplied enables measurements with a reference earth connection.
Technical characteristics of the electromagnetic wave measuring device Gigahertz Solutions ME3830B :
  • Measured frequency band: from 16 Hertz to 100 KHz
  • Sensitivity and measurement scale for electric fields: from 1 to 1999 V / m - resolution: 1 V / m
  • Sensitivity and measurement scale for magnetic induction fields: from 1 to 1999 nT - resolution 1 nT
  • An acoustic signal proportional to the field strength helps you identify the most exposed areas
  • LCD screen
  • Automatic standby
  • Low battery indicator
  • Dimensions: 74 x 180 x 32 mm
  • Weight: 178 g
Materials provided, Gigahertz Solutions ME3830B - Electromagnetic wave measuring device :
  • A Gigahertz Solutions ME3830B low frequency electromagnetic wave meter
  • An earth connection cable
  • Detailed user manual in French, German, English, Italian and Spanish
  • One 9V alkaline battery
  • Certificate of calibration
Various, Gigahertz Solutions ME3830B - Electromagnetic wave measuring device :
Two years warranty
Condition : new

The electromagnetic wave measuring device Gigahertz Solutions ME3830B is made in Germany.

If you want to take measurements without reference earth (measurements without potential), you must use a potential free rod not supplied in order to avoid disturbances related to the body of the person holding the device in hand, complete the purchase of this measuring device with the PM5 kit for potential free rod.

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