The PCE-ECT-50 earth tester measures the value of the earth connection and checks the correct wiring of the socket outlets. It has a test lead to check the electrical continuity of the masses. Very easy to use, this device for measuring the resistance of the earth connection of an electrical network (also called earth loop tester or tellurometer) makes it possible to check whether the resistance of the earth connection complies with the standards. (less than 100 Ohms), ideally it should be between 10 Ohms and 50 Ohms. The device has a large backlit multicolor LCD display, measurement range: 0 - 2000 Ohms.
Equipment provided, PCE ECT-50 Earth Resistance Meter:
This device, which complies with French standard NFC 15-100, can only be used in mainland France and on domestic electrical networks (house, apartment). This device is not intended for installations with a differential of less than 30 mA. Electrical installation category III, operating voltage 230 V AC. This device is intended for use on electrical distribution networks in the TT neutral system (neutral to earth connection).
The PCE-ECT-50 earth tester is used to validate an electrical installation in accordance with the French standard NF C 15-100 and the Belgian standard RGIE.
The PCE-ECT-50 tellurometer is compatible with the electrical networks of the following countries: France, Belgium, Luxembourg.
Niederfrequente elektromagnetische Wellen stammen von elektrischem Strom (Hochspannungsleitungen, elektrische Transformatoren, elektrische Geräte, Schalttafeln und Zähler,...).
Hochfrequente elektromagnetische Wellen werden mit WiFi, Bluetooth, Mobiltelefonie (3G, 4G, 5G), Radio- und Fernsehübertragung,...
Der Diagnostic CEM-Onlineshop ist ein Internetshop, der sich auf EMF-Detektoren, EMF-Messgeräte und EMF-Abschirmung spezialisiert hat (5G, WLAN, Elektrosmog, Magnetfeld).
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