

Shielding paints for shielding high-frequency radiation (HF) and low-frequency electric fields (LF).

YShield anti-electromagnetic waves paints : MAX54, PRO54, HSF54, HSF64 y NSF34.

High quality shielding paints from the German brand YShield, easy to use, just like normal wall paint. High attenuation of electromagnetic fields from one coat of paint. Attenuation depending on the quality of the housing earth connection and the quality of the shielding in anti-wave paint. To achieve a given objective of attenuation of electromagnetic fields, the installation of several coats of paint (2 or even 3) could be necessary.

The anti-electromagnetic wave paints of the YShield brand are intended to be used indoors and even outdoors for some of them, on supports such as concrete, plaster, smooth coatings, wood. YShield anti-radiation paints are not intended for application on metal surfaces.

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Buying guide, FAQ, which 5G, Wifi, electrosmog shielding paint to choose?

HSF54: standard anti-radiation paint with the best all-round properties, one shielding paint suitable for everything. High electromagnetic wave attenuation. TÜV-SÜD certified anti-radiation paint.

MAX54: special shielding paint with emphasis on the highest possible wave attenuation (electromagnetic shielding). Very high attenuation of electromagnetic waves. TÜV-SÜD certified anti-radiation paint.

HSF64: special shielding paint emphasizing respect for the environment. Ecological anti-radiation paint with a formulation without preservatives. High electromagnetic wave attenuation. TÜV-SÜD certified.

PRO54: special shielding paint emphasizing ease of implementation thanks to the presence of carbon fibers in its formulation. High electromagnetic wave attenuation. TÜV-SÜD certified.

NSF34: special shielding paint for protection against low frequency electric fields. Very high attenuation of low frequency electromagnetic waves (electric field). TÜV-SÜD certified anti-radiation paint.

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