

PLC filter Polier Prostop65

Price incl. VAT (19%) 44,83€
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Product Details
EAN: 3760282005724
Brand: Polier

Description :

The Polier PROSTOP65 PLC filter is a very high performance broadband PLC (Power Line Carrier) filter that prevents any PLC current of the different CENELEC bands (CENELEC A, B, C and D) from passing through the electrical panel of your housing and spread along your home electrical network. This PLC filter makes it possible to stop the waves emitted by the new generation communicating electricity meters. It is also effective on all other types of disturbances present on the electrical network : "dirty power" or "dirty electricity". It is perfectly legal and complies with the regulations. This PLC filter must be installed by a qualified professional electrician.

This PLC filter is suitable for single-phase and three-phase electrical installations (in the latter case, one filter per phase is then necessary for protection).

Technical characteristics :

  • Attenuation : 40 dB (effective reduction greater than 99%)
  • Filtered frequencies : 35 -150 kHz
  • Nominal current (and maximum) : 10 A (65 A)
  • Operating voltage : 110 - 270V
  • Operating frequency : 50 - 60Hz
  • Standards, regulations: CE marking, RoHS compliant

Equipment provided :

  • A Polier Prostop65 PLC filter
  • Assembly instructions in French

Various :

Two years warranty

Condition : new

Made in France

The Prostop65 PLC filter must be installed on the electrical panel by a qualified professional electrician.

Check the compatibility of this PLC filter with the nature of the electrical network in your country.

Follow the instructions in the user manual.

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