

Swiss-Shield MAX-WEAR | Shielding fabric | Width 150 cm | 1 meter

Price incl. VAT (19%) 17,40€
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Product Details
EAN: 4260103664219
Brand: Swiss Shield

Swiss Shield MAX-WEAR is a cotton fabric, ideal for making clothes. 44 dB attenuation at 1 GHz frequency. Not electrically conductive (this product with an electrically isolated surface cannot be contacted or grounded). The Swiss Shield MAX-WEAR fabric protects against high-frequency electromagnetic fields (3G, 4G, 5G mobile telephony, WiFi, Bluetooth, etc.). This fabric is manufactured by Swiss Shield in Switzerland with a patented, invisible high-tech yarn. Price indicated for one linear meter of product.

Properties of the Swiss-Shield MAX-WEAR shielding fabric :
  • Pleasant feeling on the skin
  • High screening attenuation for a cotton fabric
  • Excellent cost/performance ratio
  • Textile characteristics: Washable, easy to iron and process
  • Standards and certifications: OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100
Technical data, Swiss-Shield MAX-WEAR shielding fabric :
  • Width: 150 cm, +/- 2 cm
  • Color: Ecru-White
  • Composition: 70% cotton, 28.5% copper, 1.5% silver
  • Weight: 130 g/m²
  • Dimension stability: +/- 3 %
Care instructions, Swiss-Shield MAX-WEAR shielding fabric :
  • Gentle cycle at 30°C
  • Iron without steam at degree 1
  • No drying in tumble dryers, no bleaching, no chemical dry-cleaning
  • Wash only with our special washing detergent TEXCARE, without enzymes or bleaching agents
This anti-electromagnetic wave fabric being cut on demand with each order, it cannot be returned or exchanged. Product sold by the linear meter, when ordering, in the shopping cart (quantity) indicate 1 for 1 linear meter, 2 for 2 linear meters,...
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