

​Magnetic field shielding film M2L YShield - width 21 cm

Price incl. VAT (19%) 4,77€
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Minimum purchase quantity: 2 items
Product Details
EAN: 4260103667821
Brand: YShield

YShield M2L is a super-thin anti-wave film for shielding against magnetic fields from electric current. YShield M2L is a product for shielding against electromagnetic fields.

YShield M2L is a magnetic field shielding film for shielding low-frequency magnetic fields. The M2L anti-magnetic field shielding film consists of 2 layers of metallic anti-wave material and is protected on both sides by a PET film.

The YShield M2L anti-magnetic field shielding film is suitable for small areas in a domestic environment as well as large areas in construction, commerce or industry. In addition, there are various application possibilities in cars, electric vehicles, vans, motorhomes, mobile homes and caravans. The YShield M2L shielding film is a protection against the magnetic field emitted by the batteries of electric cars.

Technical characteristics of the YShield M2L magnetic field shielding film:

  • Dimensions: width 21 cm (shielding surface); width 23 cm (total product)
  • Thickness: 0.12 mm
  • Magnetic field attenuation (three-phase 50 Hz): single layer 12.1 dB (75.1%), two-layer 16.3 dB (84.7%), three-layer 19.5 dB (89.4%), four-layer 21.7 dB (91.8%)
  • Magnetic field attenuation (single-phase 50 Hz): single layer 10.5 dB (70.1%), two-layer 13.3 dB (78.3%), three-layer 16 dB (84.1%), four-layer 18.6 dB (88.2%)
  • Minimum bending radius: 10 mm

Implementation of the YShield M2L magnetic field shielding film:

Grounding is mandatory, use the grounding kit sold separately and the correct length of GSX conductive tape (also sold separately), each strip of M2L anti-radiation film must be stapled or nailed with the GSX conductive tape, all strips of GSX conductive tape must be connected to the earthing kit. In the case of large surfaces, provide several earthing points.

The YShield M2L film can be cut with scissors. Be careful, the cut edges are very sharp: use protective gloves when handling the cut strips.

For effective shielding of the magnetic field, the shielding surface of each M2L strip must overlap by at least 2 cm on all sides. When installing multiple layers: always install the strips in an offset position (the full surface must cover the overlap on the layer below).

For gluing the YShield M2L magnetic field protection film to walls, floors or ceilings, we recommend using the special YShield PSA adhesive. In the case of multi-layer installation, we also recommend YShield PSA adhesive for bonding the M2L strips together.

Miscellaneous information on the YShield M2L magnetic field shielding film:

The YShield M2L magnetic field shielding film consists of 2 layers of metal bonded together.

The YShield M2L magnetic field shielding film is manufactured in Germany.

Effectiveness tested and approved by an independent electromagnetic field measurement laboratory.

The quantity to be indicated when finalizing the order in the shopping cart corresponds to the quantity of linear meters of material that you wish to order. 1 corresponds to 1 linear meter, 2 corresponds to 2 linear meters and so on, for a width of 23 cm. This material being cut on demand for each order, it cannot be returned or exchanged. Price indicated for one linear meter of product.

This product also protects against low frequency electric field and high frequency electromagnetic radiation up to 40 GHz.

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