

CEMPROTEC 34 low and high frequency wave detector

Price incl. VAT (19%) 37,52€
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Product Details
Brand: EPE Conseil

The Cemprotec34 electromagnetic wave detector allows you to quickly and easily check your level of exposure to high frequency electromagnetic waves (5G, Wifi,...) and low frequency electromagnetic waves (electricity, high voltage lines, electrical transformer,...). Thanks to its intensity reading scale made up of 24 colored LEDs, the Cemprotec 34 wave detector instantly and precisely displays the level of low and high frequency electromagnetic radiation. The Cemprotec34 wave detector is dedicated to individuals wishing to know easily and quickly their degree of exposure to electromagnetic pollution.

Cemprotec34 low and high frequency wave detector description:

The Cemprotec 34 high and low frequency electromagnetic wave detector is very easy to use. On the same device, thanks to colored LEDs, it allows rapid assessment of electromagnetic pollution due to low-frequency electric and magnetic fields and that due to high-frequency electric fields. A "full HF" mode allows increased precision in the detection of high frequency electromagnetic waves. Its wide frequency range allows it to detect: 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G mobile telephone networks, mobile telephone relay antennas, Wi-Fi, DECT household cordless telephones, FM broadcasting, television broadcasting, ... but also low-frequency electromagnetic waves due to electric current, electric transformers, LV, HV power lines, ... Robust, very easy to use, compact, the detector Cemprotec-34 can accompany you everywhere. The Cemprotec34 electromagnetic wave detector is a new, more advanced version of the ESI23 and ESI24 wave detectors.

CEMPROTEC 34 low and high frequency wave detector, technical characteristics :

  • Frequency band measured at low frequencies: from 10 Hertz to 5000 Hz (5 KHz)
  • Frequency band measured at high frequencies: from 1 MHz to 10 GHz (power of electromagnetic radiation from 0 to 2750 µW/m2)
  • Low frequency electric field: 8 LEDs and 15 detection levels
  • Low frequency magnetic field: 8 LEDs and 15 detection levels
  • High frequencies (5G, Wifi,...): 8 LEDs and 15 detection levels
  • "Full HF" mode for even more precise detection of high frequencies (5G, Wifi, etc.) with 24 detection levels
  • Acoustic analysis of high frequency electromagnetic radiation sources
  • Dimensions: 178 x 50 x 33 mm
  • Weight: 150g

Why is the Cemprotec 34 low and high frequency electromagnetic wave detector the most interesting wave detection device in its class?

  • Simultaneous detection of low frequency electrical radiation, low frequency magnetic radiation and high frequency radiation (5G, WiFi, etc.)
  • High detection sensitivity of electromagnetic waves going well below the thresholds traditionally used
  • Very wide electromagnetic wave detection spectrum: from 1 MHz to 10 GHz for high frequencies (3G, 4G, 5G, Wifi, etc.) and from 10Hz to 5kHz for low frequencies (electricity, high voltage power lines, electrical transformers, etc.)
  • The sale price of the Cemprotec34 wave detector is very competitive

The advantages of the Cemprotec 34 electromagnetic wave detector:

  • Very easy to use
  • High performance antennas
  • Versatile, low and high frequency detection
  • Three-dimensional detection of low-frequency magnetic radiation
  • Acoustic analysis of high frequency electromagnetic waves
  • Very useful for electro-sensitive people
  • For private or professional use
  • The Cemprotec34 wave detector has a very good price/quality ratio
  • Delivered with an English manual and a battery, the Cemprotec34 wave detector is ready to work
  • Indicative table provided in the manual with the measured values corresponding to the LEDs

The uses of the Cemprotec34 electromagnetic wave detector are many and varied, here are some examples of use of the Cemprotec 34 wave detector:

  • Finding the precise sources of radiation in the event of strong suspicion of electromagnetic pollution in a home, the Cemprotec34 wave detector can also be used in an outdoor environment.
  • Use during the purchase, sale or rental of an apartment or a house, the Cemprotec 34 wave detector will allow you to make a fast and precise electromagnetic diagnosis of all waves (low and high frequencies )
  • Daily use for electro-sensitive people to control their private or professional electromagnetic environment, during business trips, on vacation, on trips, etc.
  • Use in schools, health, hospitals or in the field of real estate in order to know instantly and precisely the level of electromagnetic radiation in a place (mobile phone, 4G, 5G mobile phone relay antennas, Wifi networks, etc.). ..).

Materials provided, CEMPROTEC 34 low and high frequency wave detector:

  • A Cemprotec34 low and high frequency electromagnetic wave detector
  • Instructions for use in English with a table of numerical values of each LED
  • One 9V alkaline battery

Miscellaneous information about CEMPROTEC 34 low and high frequency wave detector:

2 years warranty on the wave detector Cemprotec34

Condition: new

CEMPROTEC 34 low and high frequency wave detector is made in France

EAN : 7141224284883

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CEMPROTEC 34 low and high frequency wave detector

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Rilevatori e dispositivi di misura di onde elettromagnetiche

a bassa e alta frequenza.

Protezione contro le onde elettromagnetiche (pellicole anti-onda per vetri, vernice anti-onda, ecc.).

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Le onde elettromagnetiche a bassa frequenza provengono dalla corrente elettrica (linee elettriche ad alta tensione, trasformatori elettrici, dispositivi elettrici, quadri e contatori elettrici,...).

Le onde elettromagnetiche ad alta frequenza sono collegate a WiFi, Bluetooth, telefonia mobile (3G, 4G, 5G), trasmissioni radiofoniche e televisive,...

Il negozio online Diagnostic CEM è un negozio Internet specializzato in rilevatori EMF, misuratori EMF e protezione EMF.

Nel negozio online Diagnostic CEM  troverai i migliori dispositivi di misurazione EMF per campi elettromagnetici a bassa e alta frequenza e le più efficaci protezioni EMF contro le onde elettromagnetiche. Nel negozio è disponibile una barra di ricerca per trovare i prodotti di protezione EMF che stai cercando. Tutti i prodotti sono classificati per categoria (rilevatori di onde, dispositivi di misurazione delle onde TES e Tenmars, dispositivi di misurazione delle onde Gigahertz Solutions, dispositivo di misurazione delle onde Safe and Sound Pro 2, tessuti schermanti EMF, indumenti anti-onde, vernici schermanti EMF,...).

Sul sito web del Diagnostic CEM store è presente anche una guida all'acquisto con una sezione FAQ (domande frequenti) per aiutarti a scegliere il dispositivo di misurazione EMF giusto per le tue esigenze o la protezione EMF più efficace per proteggerti dai campi elettromagnetici (5G, Wifi, elettrosmog).

Il nostro magazzino di stoccaggio situato nel nord della Francia serve l'Europa e il mondo. Consulta l'elenco dei Paesi in cui forniamo i nostri misuratori di onde e la nostra protezione anti-onde.

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