

Demand switch NA7 Comfort Gigahertz Solutions

Price incl. VAT (19%) 28,58€
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Product Details
EAN: 4039009210185
Brand: Gigahertz Solutions

Demand switch NA7 Comfort Gigahertz Solutions description :

The demand switch NA7 Comfort (or bioswitch or electrical network decoupling relay) is placed on the housing electrical panel. It automatically detects the electrical current needs of the circuit on which it is installed and cuts off the electrical supply if there is no demand. It therefore also stops the low-frequency electromagnetic fields continuously emitted by a live electrical circuit. The demand switch is particularly suitable for bedrooms. It works very well with dimmers, halogen lamps, neon lights or energy saving lamps. It also reduces voltage peaks from the public power supply polluting the home electrical network ("dirty power" or "dirty electricity"). Installation of a demand switch requires the work of a qualified professional electrician. It is installed on the electrical panel of the house or apartment. A demand switch must be installed on each electrical circuit to be protected . The electrical installation to which the demand switch will be connected must comply with the electrical standard in force in your country.
Demand switch NA7 Comfort Gigahertz Solutions technical characteristics :
  • Operating voltage : 230 V
  • Current : 16A
  • Compatible with single-phase electrical networks

Equipment provided :

  • A NA7 Comfort Gigahertz Solutions demand switch with unipolar (monopolar) breaking
  • A control light that plugs into the room concerned
  • A 1 µF Gigahertz Solutions filter that mounts directly on the IAC at the electrical panel
  • Assembly instructions in English
Various :
Two years warranty
Condition: new
Made in Germany
The demand switch NA7 Comfort must be installed on the electrical panel by a qualified professional electrician.
Check the compatibility of this single-pole (monopolar) cut-off demand switch for single-phase electrical network with the nature of the electrical network in your country.

Follow the instructions in the user manual. Minimum distance between 2 Demand switches on the electrical panel : 10 mm = 1 cm.

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Demand switch NA7 Comfort Gigahertz Solutions

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