

Gigahertz Solutions ​NFA1000 - Electromagnetic wave measuring device

2 499,00€
Price incl. VAT (19%) 399,00€
Available for pre-order
Product Details
EAN: 4039009350027
Brand: Gigahertz Solutions

Description of the electromagnetic wave measuring device Gigahertz Solutions NFA1000 :

The professional low-frequency electromagnetic wave meter NFA1000 is manufactured by the German specialist in wave measurement devices: Gigahertz Solutions. This wide frequency range device measures electromagnetic pollution due to low frequency electric and magnetic fields, it has an integrated frequency filter. The earth connection cable supplied enables measurements with a reference earth connection. The Gigahertz Solutions NFA1000 is the ideal professional device for measuring electric and magnetic fields induced by electric current, electric transformers, electrified railways, LV, HV electric lines, LED lights, compact fluorescent bulbs, ...

Technical characteristics of the electromagnetic wave measuring device Gigahertz Solutions NFA1000 :
  • Measured frequency band: from 5 Hz to 1000 kHz (= 1 MHz)
  • Sensitivity and measurement scale for electric fields : from 0.1 to 1999 V / m
  • Sensitivity and measurement scale for magnetic induction fields : from 1 to 19999nT
  • Magnetic field measurement units: nT or mG
  • Integrated adjustable frequency filter
  • 3D measurement of electric and magnetic fields
  • Directional measurement of the X, Y and Z axes possible
  • An acoustic signal proportional to the field strength helps you identify the most exposed areas
  • LCD screen
  • 4GB SDHC SD-card
  • Data logger (for long-term measurements)
  • Li-Ion battery power supply (36 or even 48 hours of autonomy without recharging)
  • Battery charge status indicator
  • Automatic standby (deactivated during longterm measurements)
  • Input socket for simultaneous recording of high frequencies with the HF59B high frequency electromagnetic wave meter (device not included, to be purchased separately)
Materials provided, Gigahertz Solutions NFA1000 - Electromagnetic wave measuring device :
  • A Gigahertz Solutions NFA1000 low frequency electromagnetic wave meter
  • An earth connection cable
  • Detailed instructions in English
  • An AC adapter to charge the device
  • NFASoft PC software
  • USB cable
  • A 4 GB SD memory card
  • Interior foam padded transport case
  • Certificate of calibration
Various, Gigahertz Solutions NFA1000 - Electromagnetic wave measuring device :
Two years warranty
Condition : new

The electromagnetic wave measuring device Gigahertz Solutions NFA1000 is made in Germany.

If you want to take measurements without reference earth (measurements without potential), you must use a potential free rod not supplied in order to avoid disturbances related to the body of the person holding the device in hand, complete the purchase of this measuring device with the PM5s kit for potential free rod.

Product available on order, usual delivery time: 5 to 7 working days.

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